Da Bro Blog

Long time no blog. Did ya miss me? I am sure you did. So my big brother finally read my blog and he called me up to tell me he was LHAO!! He thought it was funny. Growing up we were always trying to make each other laugh. We inherited that trait from Mami. Anyway, my bro and I have a million stories that all end in laughter...too many to list here...but here are some of the funnier bits of our memories.

One of the first songs we crafted together was called "Pan con Peo" this of course was inspired by Mami. Literally it means Fart Sandwich. Don't ask her what's for dinner...just eat what she puts in front of you.

How bout a "Nutty Buddy"! My brother has had one up his nose courtesy of me. Don't ever say "I dare you" to your little sis. LOL

Cockroach Checkers...if you see a cockroach running across a checkerboard...don't ask your scared sister to kill it....cuz she will...and she did...right on the checkerboard. SPLAT! CRUNCH!

The Imbitterits. These are flavor cells that are only in my Malta Goyas.

Oh..don't forget Univel. When bro and I were jodiendo mucho...mami would tell us to "busquen su nivel",....So we would proceed to prance around the house hollering univel, univel...where are you?

My bro would painstainkingly put together fabulous model cars...which I then proceeded to crush with my tightly clenched little fist. I would do this even before the glue had even dried. LMAO. sorry bro...it was funny then...and it is even funnier now.

Our constant pursuit of laughter will have us holding our sides in stitches at the sound of just a word, a look a gesture.

Example: Is the heat on? This is the punch line to a joke we both forgot...but the the punchline alone still makes us laugh out loud!

If you ever lose anything in our house..you can rest assured that you will find it in "El culo de la vaca!" or in any member of the family's culo. why? cuz it's funny?

Oh..let's not forget the time Bro thought he saw a ghost. We still laugh about that? Hey Bro...remember that time we were playing Pila Song Dominoes?,
and I kicked your ass at every hand and I had a song for every time I sent you to the P I L A...ala YMCA by the Village People.

Oh..bro..."look at the pockets, look at the pockets". Famous words uttered by me after getting my first pair of baggy pants.

Yo...you don't "take me eating" anymore! Even more famous words uttered by me.

Let's not forget Satin Glow and Peanut Butter Facials. (oh do we love making fun of relatives).

Most of you won't think any of this is funny...but this blog is for my brother, a special blog that only he would understand. Even though we are now full fledged adults with responsibilities and all that adult shit...at heart we are really two kids that love to laugh and play practical jokes and bascially just mess with everyone! Even though my bro cheated at Monopoly our entire childhood...I love him. Even though he would not take me to the park that one time (yeah I remember that) I love him. Even though he drank all my Maltas trying to get the imbitterits...I love him. They say you can't choose your relatives...but if we could I would choose that brother O mine!

Okay...bro...stop crying! I know how sensitive you are! Ya big wussy!

Lechusa! Who? Who? ;)



TahjiMumford said…
I love this one :-)

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